Sunday, August 31, 2008
20 historical oddities you probably don't know...
I was just poppin around on the net and came across this list. It's pretty interesting, so I thought I'd post it.
1. Charles Darwin married his first cousin.
2. John F. Kennedy, Anthony Burgess, Aldous Huxley, and C.S. Lewis all died on the same day.
3. Officially, the longest war in history was between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly, which lasted from 1651 to 1986. There were no casualties.
4. Gay marriage was legally recognized in Rome, and Nero himself married at least two gay couples.
5. Adolf Hitler’s nephew, William Hitler, immigrated to the United States in 1939 and fought against his uncle.
6. Thomas Paine was elected to the first post-revolution French parliament, despite not speaking a word of the language.
7. William Howard Taft is the only US President to come third in his campaign for re-election, losing to eventual winner Woodrow Wilson and fellow Republican Theodore Roosevelt.
8. Technically, Henry VIII had only two wives. Four of his marriages were annulled.
9. King Richard II invented the handkerchief.
10. The Parliament of Iceland is the oldest still acting parliament in the world. It was established in 930.
11. The people who founded the Futurism art movement also founded the first Italian Fascist party in 1918.
12. Albert Einstein was offered the role of Israel’s second President in 1952, but declined.
13. New Zealand was the first country to enfranchise women. It gave them the vote in 1895.
14. The 27th amendment to the US constitution took 202 years to ratify, having been proposed in 1789 and finally ratified in 1992.
15. Until April 2008, the island of Sark remained the last feudal state in Europe.
16. Tomatoes were considered poisonous for many years in Europe and they were grown for ornamental reasons only. In fact, the leaves and stems of tomatoes are poisonous (but they can be used in moderation for food flavoring).
17. Soon after building started in 1173, the foundation of the Pisa tower settled unevenly. Construction was stopped, and was continued only a 100 years later. Therefore, the leaning tower was never straight.
18. Ancient Egyptians used slabs of stones as pillows.
19. People have been wearing glasses for about 700 years.
20. King Charles the Second often rubbed dust from the mummies of pharaohs so he could “absorb" their ancient greatness.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Back from Kanab
Dannon visited Kanab! I loved having her here.
Saturday, we had a campfire at the local park. She couldn't figure out how to light the fire, so I kinda had to call upon my hidden skills as a pyro to do it. It was pretty fun!
Sunday, we went to this super creepy house. This house was built back in the early 1900's, and the most recent owner was put in prison for molesting children. Its probably the scariest house I've ever checked out, so I made her take a video of it. I can't get the video up yet...Check back in a few days to see it :x
You really can't tell how creepy it really is from the video, but it has some strange features! I guess you just have to be there in person to get the feel of it.
We also went to Kanab Canyon, which houses one of the most famous animal sanctuaries in the world--Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. We did some crazy hikes, found some indian writings, a horse graveyard, and a pet cemetary! Here are the pics...

We took some funny videos, but they won't upload haha.
The next day, Monday, was the day she had to go home. The weekend was such a blast though. I was sad to see her go!
Monday, June 23, 2008
So ....
Last night I went and hiked squaw peak...I seriously thought I was dehydrated afterwards and was really close to going to the hospital! I had a pounding headache and was super nautious....definitely didn't feel good. But now I'm all better and feelin good watching this really cute guy look around the gift shop. He probably lives a billion miles away, hence the downside to my choice of summer job. I get to meet a lot of really cool people....but they live across the country (or even across the world, but most of those people don't speak very good english anyways so it'd never work out haha )
Last night I went offroading with a bunch of kids down here. It was the first time I've ever gone, so I was kind of worried I would die. We were in this bright orange 1970's chevy truck, but that thing was a BEAST! It ran like a champ! I had a blast on the sand dunes, and even though I thought we were going to tip over and die at least two times, I'd do it again. There was pretty much nothing around for miles, so the stars were awesome.
I'm visiting home on friday, so I get to go to the Vans Warped Tour! I'm seriously stoked. But anyhoo, I'm workin so I gotta fly. Peace!
Friday, June 13, 2008
I guess its all good considering that there is like nothing going on in Kanab. Last Tuesday me and one of the wranglers out here went to hidden lakes cave and had a campfire. It was gorgeous! The cave was in Kanab Canyon right by Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, and inside it was a natural spring! It was absolutely awesome. I'll have to go back and take some pictures.
Last Sunday Nicki (one of the horses) had her baby. She's so cute!
Its getting so warm here, I need to get out and do more hikes. It is so hard to just sit at a desk all day! I can hardly stand it...I just want to get out there and move!! I went running the first two days of the week but I hate running during the day (people might see me! haha) so I can't do it wednesday or thursday because thats when I work night shift...grrrr.
Well I guess I'll have to get back to work here...hopefully I'll stop being a slacker and write more!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Brunettes do it better...
All that matters is that I am no longer going to be treated like अन idiot. Hallelujah!!
Last night I got to stay at the was sooo nice. I had to work an 11 hour shift from 12 PM - 11 PM and then turn around and do another shift at 7 in the morning so I checked myself into a Buffalo Vista Couch Suite. I got back to my cabin around 1 AM thanks to Danny from housekeeping. He wanted to hang out so we bought marshmallows and starbursts to roast on the campfire. It was pretty interesting...he is from Guatemala and has only been speaking English for about 6 months. He speaks it really well but there were definitely a few things that got lost in translation. He comes from a very poor family, which is easy to spot because he is so incredibly humble.
Its nights like last night and tonight that I miss northern Utah। :(
I am learning a lot down here. I was thinking earlier about how I'm already a little different now than I was when I first came. Funny how that happens isn't it?
Well, its late and I've got work at 7 again so I'm gettin to bed.
Hasta Luego!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
In the beginning....
You've reached my blog! I've moved to the outer most part of Utah civilization (Kanab) and now have more free time than I know what to do with. I always figured that the kinds of people who have blogs are the kind of people who have way too much time on their hands. So a few days ago, I realized that was me. Merry Christmas, Elise. You've arrived!
Yep. So anyway.
Yesterday I went to St. George to go shopping for some pants. I hate pant shopping! Actually, I love any kind of shopping. But shopping for pants is the most frustrating thing. You see, I just don't have a butt. Or thighs. But the problem is that most places don't carry many pants in size 0, and if they do, they are usually quite expensive. So yesterday I spent almost $120 on 2 pairs of pants. They are way cute though! But one of the pairs is too big for my thighs so they look baggy. GRRR!
I don't see why anyone really cares about my pants adventure, but since you're reading this I guess you do....or something? I don't know.