Dannon visited Kanab! I loved having her here.
Saturday, we had a campfire at the local park. She couldn't figure out how to light the fire, so I kinda had to call upon my hidden skills as a pyro to do it. It was pretty fun!
Sunday, we went to this super creepy house. This house was built back in the early 1900's, and the most recent owner was put in prison for molesting children. Its probably the scariest house I've ever checked out, so I made her take a video of it. I can't get the video up yet...Check back in a few days to see it :x
You really can't tell how creepy it really is from the video, but it has some strange features! I guess you just have to be there in person to get the feel of it.
We also went to Kanab Canyon, which houses one of the most famous animal sanctuaries in the world--Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. We did some crazy hikes, found some indian writings, a horse graveyard, and a pet cemetary! Here are the pics...

We took some funny videos, but they won't upload haha.
The next day, Monday, was the day she had to go home. The weekend was such a blast though. I was sad to see her go!